Child Information
This application must be filled out for each child. $40 registration fee required for each child.
If your child has not been to Island TIme before, please fill out your system registration found here: https://register.staytrak.com/islandtime?pubreg=islnd.mprA5iyG. This gives us everything we need to know to keep your child safe - and allows them to enjoy all IT has to offer.
We are on the fence about specific days at this point - there will only be one 2yr old class. We would love to hear your thoughts! Big question, would you want the week split up or have your child have back to back days?
We are on the fence about specific days at this point - there will only be one 3yr old class. We would love to hear your thoughts! Big question, would you want the week split up or have your child have back to back days?
Any chronic health problems? *
Does your child have allergies? *
Any special needs for your child? *
Parent/Guardian Information
We don't use email very often - but still great to have this on file.
We text a lot at Island Time! This is our main mode of communication for all programs.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Preschool Policies
$40 Registration fee is non-refundable
Tuition -
2yr old, 2 days: $195
3yr old, 3 days: $250
4/5 yr old, 5 days: $375/month (first payment is due by 8/15/24)
Cost includes Preschool class from 9am-1pm
Cancellation Policy:
Tuition deposit is applied to the LAST month your child attends preschool. Proper notification allows your teachers to plan for success.
60-45 days - Full Refund
30-45 days - 1/2 refund
less than 30 days - no refund
Food and Drinks
Children will need a ready-to-eat lunch & snack each day.
A water bottle is required each day.
By order of the Health Department, we cannot provide reusable water bottles.
If your child does not have a water bottle, a disposable water bottle will be provided and charged $1/bottle.
Sample Day:
9:05 Morning Meeting(weather, calendar, themes)
9:15 Outdoor Play
10:00 Snack
10:30 Music/Art/Science
11:00 Learning Centers*
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Outside play for pick-up
*Activities introduce aspects of science, art, math, reading, and dramatic play following that weekly/monthly theme.
Child development includes learning self-discipline, which is better learned through guidance than through punishment. Island Time Preschool will follow Positive Guidance Techniques throughout the day.
Protect and preserve children’s feelings of being lovable and capable.
Offer children choices only when willing to accept their decisions.
Work with “the grain” of children instead of against it.
Give children safe limits they can understand.
Set a good example!!
The quiet time will be used to interrupt unacceptable behavior by removing the child from the “scene of the action.” Quiet time is a calming device, not a punishment. The quiet time shall be short enough that the child has a chance to go back to the original situation and learn acceptable behavior.